20240428 LaHoChi的線上聚會


[Lahochi Online Meeting]

LaHoChi 是一個強大的宇宙療癒力量,象徵愛,光明與智慧。


你想瞭解Lahochi, 體會Lahochi的能量嗎? 我和台灣的執行師們,每個月舉辦一次公益遠距傳送能量給所有人,給地球的線上活動。歡迎你的加入。


4/28 晚上9點(台北時間)

線上Zoom, 請加入FB Lahochi Taiwan群組,會公佈zoom號。


LaHoChi is a powerful universal healing energy symbolizing love, light, and wisdom. Its simple techniques are easy for everyone to learn, allowing for healing of others as well as self-healing.

Would you like to understand LaHoChi and experience its energy? Our practitioners in Taiwan host a monthly charity online event to send energy to everyone and to the Earth.

You are welcome to join 🥳🥳🥳

No prerequisites are needed, and you don’t have to know other energy programs beforehand.

Let’s join in the fun together ❤️

You can message me for getting the zoom number 🥰